12th Floor, President Place Building 93 Nguyen Du, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC

Immigration News


iCanfield Vietnam is one of the leading advisors for the Start - Up Visa Canada program today with a high success rate for entrepreneurs who want to work and develop in Canada.

1. Start - Up Visa is aimed at entrepreneurs, investors with skills to start a business in a new land

According to information recorded by iCanfield Vietnam, the Start-Up Visa (SUV) Entrepreneur program was tested by the Canadian Immigration Department in April 2013. This is a program that attracts foreign entrepreneurs and investors who have new business ideas and want to do it in Canada. Until 2018, SUV became the official immigration program and took effect forever. Currently, SUV is known as the most chosen Federal immigration program by Vietnamese people not only because of its high success rate but also as the only permanent resident direct investment program. According to recent information, the Quebec Investor Program will stop accepting applications in 2019 and provincial Entrepreneur Programs such as Prince Island and New Brunswick do not directly grant permanent residency.

Since 2015, 85% of applicants have been approved. In 2016, 103 out of 104 applicants received approval for permanent residence and 1 applicant withdrew before the application was reviewed. This shows that the approval rate in 2016 is close to 100%. Over the next three years, the approval rates were 78%, 63%, and 77%, respectively. This ratio will vary according to the type of organization designated as Business Incubators, Angels and Venture Funds.


Start-up Visa approval rate

With the success of the program, the Government of Canada announced a goal for the period of 2023 - 2025 to increase the quota for SUVs. Specifically, support 3,500 seats in 2023 and continue to increase to 5,000 and 6,000 in the next two years.

2. What conditions do entrepreneurs need to meet to successfully get permanent residency in Canada?

iCanfield Vietnam said, Start - Up Visa is one of the programs to assess the level of foreign language skills that are not too difficult for entrepreneurs and investors. Specifically, through a standardized test, SUV requires candidates to achieve a minimum IELTS score of 5.0 for all 4 skills in English or equivalent French. In addition, applicants do not need to prove the origin of assets, but only need to have enough economic resources to support themselves and their families while living in Canada. This is also a huge advantage of SUVs compared to other Canadian Immigration - Investment Programs.

Most importantly, investors must prepare a start-up plan to deploy in Canada to receive a Certificate of Commitment and a Letter of Support from a designated organization, including:

  • Angel Investors.
  • Venture Capital Fund.
  • Business Incubator.

The program will not be suitable for investors who simply want to obtain a Canadian permanent resident card. Start - Up Visa is a program that the Government of Canada clearly defines the goal of bringing business owners and investors to Canada. Therefore, applicants who want to participate in the program will need to spend time participating in the development of the Start - Up project regardless of working with any designated Organization.


The applicant receives a Certificate of Commitment and a Letter of Support from a designated organization

Start - Up Visa Canada has received a lot of attention because it is one of the few investment programs that does not require a minimum investment, does not require financial proof. In particular, investors can choose to live anywhere in Canada. In addition, the investor's spouse and children under the age of 22 will also be granted Canadian Permanent Residence (PR) and enjoy world-leading health, education, and social security benefits. gender. Furthermore, after three years from the date of issuance of Permanent Residence, the investor will be eligible to apply for citizenship and issue a Canadian passport.

3. Why is iCanfield Vietnam the leading consultant for the Start - Up Visa Canada program?

As a unit specializing in providing foreign investment solutions, iCanfield Vietnam has nearly ten years of experience in supporting hundreds of investors to successfully apply for the SUV program. Working with partners and foreign immigration attorneys, iCanfield Vietnam understands the necessary investment procedures and immigration programs in accordance with each client's ability to bring optimal results and ensure the best possible outcome. absolute confidentiality. Especially, Start - Up projects are exclusively developed by iCanfield and are designed in accordance with the customer's capacity profile and experience. Therefore, iCanfield can control the project progress and the highest success rate for customer records.

  • Consulting transparent information about the success rate of customer records.

  • Stay up to date with the latest, reliable information.

  • Detailed advice on policies from the Government where guests want to invest, develop and work.

  • Always accompanies customers from the time of preparation to the time they go to the country and get their green card. 


iCanfield Vietnam team always supports and accompanies customers

Sign up for a consultation now to dream with iCanfield Vietnam on a successful SUV investment path.

Source: Entrepreneur Newspaper

iCanfield Vietnam Immigration & Study Abroad Consulting Company 

Address: 93 Nguyen Du, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC

Hotline: 028.3822.0285

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